Judi McCormick

Phuket Thailand Pearl Farm

Phuket Thailand Pearl Farm

I love to take you on a visit to a pearl farm every once in awhile.

Pearl farms are fascinating for many reasons, but most importantly, they can only exist in some of the most clean and sustained water conditions. They are wonderful places to visit.

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Cleopatra Drinks A Pearl?

Cleopatra Drinks A Pearl?

Have you heard this? Set the scene. Queen Cleopatra is dining with the Roman Statesman, Marc Anthony. She is holding a large pearl.
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Was Mikimoto the first developer of the cultured pearl?

Was Mikimoto the first developer of the cultured pearl?

That does seem to be the story we hear the most, but I have a different story.
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The Importance of Matching Pearls for a Necklace

The Importance of Matching Pearls for a Necklace

Just how much does it matter to match the pearls exactly for a luxury necklace?
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What Crown Will Queen Camilla Wear to the Coronation

What Crown Will Queen Camilla Wear to the Coronation

This is the week of The Coronation in England and we are naturally curious about the crowns that will be shown. 

This is the Crown of Queen Mary that Camilla will wear, but with significant changes that are political and historical.



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What Will King Charles III wear for a Coronation Crown?

What Will King Charles III wear for a Coronation Crown?

This is the Crown that will be worn for the actual moment of coronation, but why won't he wear it for the entire coronation?
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Kuwait Pearl Divers

Kuwait Pearl Divers

Pearl-diving trips were held annually under the patronage of the Kuwaiti Emir in order to keep alive traditions that accompanied the once important national trade of pearl diving, prior to the discovery of oil.
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Care and Maintenance of Pearls

Care and Maintenance of Pearls

Here is a more in depth look at how to care for your pearls.

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King Charles II of Spain Pearl

King Charles II of Spain Pearl

This large historic pearl was once thought to be La Peregrina. La Peregrina  was last owned by Elizabeth Taylor and the King Charles II of Spain pearl is still being worn today.
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The definitive book on Pearls, by Elisabeth Strack

The definitive book on Pearls, by Elisabeth Strack

At over 700 pages long, I go to Strack's book whenever I have a question about pearls.

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Natural vs. Cultured Pearls

Natural vs. Cultured Pearls

What is the difference? There is so much misinformation about whether a cultured pearl is really a pearl. 
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Henry Philip Hope's Gem Collection

Henry Philip Hope's Gem Collection

The Hope Pearl AND the Hope Diamond. Quite a major gem collection.
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