Judi McCormick / Nicholas Paspaley

The Importance of Australian Pearl Farming

The Importance of Australian Pearl Farming

There is a rich history of pearl harvesting and farming in Australia. The great boom came with the discovery of rich oyster beds off the north-western coast of Australia and the use of compressed air diving suits in the mid-nineteenth century.

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The definitive book on Pearls, by Elisabeth Strack

The definitive book on Pearls, by Elisabeth Strack

At over 700 pages long, I go to Strack's book whenever I have a question about pearls.

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Pearl Pioneers- Nicholas Paspaley (Picture of Nick and his sister in 1932)

Pearl Pioneers- Nicholas Paspaley (Picture of Nick and his sister in 1932)

It all started out as a wonderful wild adventure for 19 year old Nick Paspaley in the 1930s. 
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