Rikitea Pearls
To tantalize you, Rikitea pearls are some of the most sought after for their exceptional luster and color. The best have an intense peacock color overtone.
Rikitea Pearls are a very specific location for some of the very finest Tahitian Pearls in the South East of French Polynesia in the Gambier Islands. Rikitea is on the island of Mangareva, which only has about 1000 inhabitants. The Gambiers are 1000 miles SW of Tahiti! That's 4 hours in a small prop plane...
The Gambier Islands create magnificent pearls because they have steady ocean currents for unpolluted waters with many mineral coral reefs around for good food. The average temperature of the Gambiers is a cooler 55-90 degrees which is cold enough for slower oyster pearl growth that creates thinner and denser nacre layers.
The GIE POE O Rikitea is a group of 80 small pearl farmers created by Dominique Devaux to market their pearls collectively in several auctions throughout the year.
If you truly understand Tahitian pearls, you will know how rare and special these limited pearls of Rikitea are. This is one of my dream trips to small pearl farms of the world. Would you like to go with me?